ilalliqa', sayonara, hasta la vista...

This is my quick update I guess. Everyone knows the meaning of title I hope. InsyaAllah we will meet again one day. Who knows what will happen next? Nobody knows. Neither you nor I. So, before I left this beloved country, I like to say sorry for everything that I did to you. I'm just a sloppy girl who sometimes slipped of the tounge or inevitably hit you on your shoulder or pinched your arm when I'd got ashamed and ever did any mistakes. *my weird reaction on what happened to me. lol*

But that are so kind of you for accepting me as who I was and who I am eventhough I am the weirdo. Haha. By the way, thanks a lot for being my friend, or my foe, or my sweetheart. *Cewah, part ni blushing sorang2.* You all are always in my heart no matter what happen and no matter time's changing. May Allah bless us and give us another chance to meet up next time.

Did you ever felt like really wanna go home after you'd been out for a few days from home? Yeah, I guess everyone ever got that feeling. No matter how beautiful the place we are visiting, we will feel like, "Ouh, I wanna go home". I'm very certain that I gonna have this feeling again and again as I'm leaving my home, Malaysia. But however, I must be tough enough to fight up with the feeling. So, I'm creating a new word to my life. "Home is where you've been. Just be grateful." lol. I'm not so good in saying words unless to ruin them. haha.


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